Ways to Spider Veins and Varicose Veins
Doctors say then about chronic venous insufficiency. For some of us it gives itself felt only swelling of legs, others – disfiguring skin, spider veins, varicose veins and even aching. This disease affects nearly half of women in Poland – already under thirty change is every fifth!Usually we are ourselves to blame themselves, because we move too little. If besides many hours at work sitting at a desk or worse, we face – the blood circulation in the veins starts to fail.Therefore, for this reason most often they suffer from saleswoman, hairdresser or secretary.There are also important ‘extra-curricular’ weight, because then the muscle pump, conveying the blood from the legs to the heart, has a difficult operation.
Venous insufficiency can also be genetically determined. As a rule, inherited predisposition to it is in the female line, which is passed from grandmother to mother, and later on her granddaughter. Why? The answer is simple: Lifelong we are doomed to hormonal swings. And just estrogen and progesterone affect the condition of the veins. The first storm of hormones during puberty pass, the next during subsequent pregnancies, the last during menopause. So experts recommend that women who are at increased risk for spider veins or varicose veins, a closely watched.
The reason for increased vigilance should be even a slight swelling in the legs. To check if any, measure the calf circumference (at its thickest point) twice daily for a week: after waking up and before going to bed. If the difference in the morning and evening measurements exceed 1 cm, it will mean that the legs swell.
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